It has been over 2 years, partly due to COVID and other factors, that I was unable to contribute to the LC Bulletin. So much has happened in 2 years. I will do my best to bring you new and interesting stories to keep you informed. I will say that the new team at LC Bulletin is off to a great start. Pick one up, we have much to share with you!

GREETINGS LAS CRUCES! Dr Hilda Luz Chavez, here…. I’M BACK!!!

On April 20the, 2024, it will be 3 years since Cannabis was legalized in NM. We have waited over 50 years to see the sacred medicinal herb be legalized and made available without fear of legal repercussions.

Legalization is still a controversial subject, nationwide. Together, we will be exploring many facets of this industry. We will also address the value of the NM MEDICAL CANNABIS PROGRAM and why we must do all we can to ensure it survives. Recreational use and Medical use are different.

CCD, or Cannabis Control Division, regulates Cannabis in NM. CCD had a rough start in 2021. There have been 4 directors since 2021, most were not prepared. The good news is that the new CCD Director, TODD STEVENS comes from Colorado with a background in Cannabis. He seems to be proactive and focused on handling CANNABIS issues in NM..

One problem was evident right from the get go, CCD was not prepared for the onslaught of applicants. Another issue that continues to affect the industry is the lack of compliance officers and no law enforcement to address the illegal activities that have gone unchecked for over 2 years.

The damage has been done. Many illicit operators gained advantage due to the rules not including law enforcement. Some of you want to know how that happened?. The rules and regulations also did not include limiting licenses to support NM residents, first.

When the rest of the country got wind of the ease of obtaining licenses in NM, they came and overwhelmed the system. NM is a state with a small and economically challenged population. We are not California or Colorado with millions of residents. Las Cruces only has 115,000 residents.

There are those who continue to exploit the Cannabis industry. Case in point, Estancia, NM had 2 commercial production facilities which were found to have employed 1000 Chinese immigrants who, by the way, lived in the Greenhouses, illegally. Jobs that are available at these facilities went to exploited Chinese immigrants not New Mexicans.

The facilities in Estancia were out of compliance and were shut down by CCD a few months ago, but they continue to operate partly due to the fact that they are on sovereign land and state and federal laws have limited access. The issue is still unresolved.

There are immigrants and residents from other states moving to NM to work in the Cannabis Industry, thinking they will make millions. I personally have met folks from Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Oklahoma and Arizona who are making LC their homes.

One purpose of THE GOOD HERB column is to include YOU, the residents of Las Cruces, in this journey. You have questions and together we can find answers. For example:

  • How does legalization affect me as a resident of LC?
  • How can 115 k residents support 60 dispensaries?
  • Why is the Border Patrol suddenly confiscating legal cannabis at the Border Checks?
  • Can licenses be limited in over saturated cities?
  • Who will listen to and address my concerns?

This is an opportunity to speak up and have your voice heard.

Please email me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your comments, questions, or suggestions. Or text at 915-204-5440

Dr. Hilda Luz Chavez is a Doctor of Natural Medicine, with over 40 years’ experience serving the EP and LC communities. Dr. Hilda is a pioneer in the CANNABIS INDUSTRY and continues to guide, educate and assist medical patients in acquiring their NM MEDICAL CANNABIS CARD.