Article by Dr. Hilda Chavez

On April 1st, 2024 it was TWO years since legalization of Cannabis happened in NM. Prior to legalization, New Mexicans have benefitted from the NM MEDICAL CANNABIS PROGRAM.

The program was established in 2007 and has thrived. Presently, there are over
200,000 patients enrolled.

There are countless benefits to being a medical cannabis patient:

  1. It legitimizes you as a medical patient.
  2. Law enforcement is aware and more accepting of medical patients
  3. Medical patients do NOT have to pay 20% excise tax and
  4. Medical Patients are allowed higher doses of THC

As a medical cannabis patient myself, I have to say that the program has greatly contributed to my well-being. I am able to enjoy my life and minimize taking prescription drugs. As a practitioner that has facilitated the certification process to thousands of patients since 2007, I
can say that the program has improved the quality of life for many New Mexicans. It has been life-changing.

Some of us old hippies have waited over 50 years for legalization and never actually thought it would ever happen. Now we continue to wait for FEDERAL LEGALIZATION!

As you may know, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham kept her promise when she ran and legalized Cannabis in NM. CCD (Cannabis Control Division) was created. The NM Dept of Health had regulated all aspects of the Medical Cannabis Program. Now, NMDOH only regulates the medical certifications.

As is the case with new legalizations, some things were overlooked or dismissed in the Legalization Bill. One example is the LAW ENFORCEMENT side of CCD, which does not exist. The fact that law enforcement is not part of CCD is perplexing. Cannabis crimes continue to run rampant. CCD is also short on compliance officers. Of course, criminals know this and capitalize on it.. Who is checking for illegal activities?

Why is this a problem? As we all know criminals are always looking for opportunities to exploit. In the Cannabis industry, the field is ripe for criminal activity. Legalization does not eliminate crime, as a matter of fact it creates ample opportunities when left unchecked. Presently, there continue to be illegal grow operations. There is also black market cannabis coming from other states and finding it’s way into the hands of NM. Who is checking? 

As happy as many of us are that NM is legal, it is not all peachy keen. There are many criminals coming out of the woodwork. Out of state and cartel money is worming its way into the legal cannabis businesses. They have the money, the experience and the resources to easily merge into the business and take over. Who is checking?

Case in point, in NM if you are a resident and over 21 years of age, you can legally grow for personal use 12 plants per household. I personally have been growing my own medicine since 2007 when the NM MEDICAL CANNABIS PROGRAM was established. It is one of the advantages of being a New Mexican. However, thousands of New Mexicans are growing and have been growing under a personal use license. Some have become organized, formed coops to support each other and then they sell their product on the black market. The door is wide open to continue to sell their flower to the black market. Some dispensaries are being offered said flower for a much lower price and again, who is checking?

There is so much going on since Legalization.

The legalization bill also overlooked limiting licenses in NM. It was requested that licenses be limited to New Mexicans, which that did not happen. Unfortunately, licenses are easy to acquire if you have the money and the right connections. It doesn’t matter where you are from. A few cities are looking at this. For example, BELEN, NM has set a limit on dispensaries.

Las Cruces needs to follow suit. LC is a small town of 115,000 people and cannot sustain unlimited dispensaries. In the end, no limits are going to put the Mom and Pop dispensaries out of business. If these issues concern you or interest you contact your city and state official.

Your voice matters.

Stay tuned.